What to do when “it’s not working”

You try new plans.

You buy new programs.

You change jobs, relationships, houses, haircuts.

And nothing seems to work. 

You've been dealing with the wrong side of your brain

The problem isn't the plan, strategy, relationship, house, or haircut.

The problem is you (and I mean that in the nicest, most loving, THIS IS GOOD NEWS kind of way!)

Cause here's the thing: You've only been dealing with part of your brain. And honestly? It's not even the important part. 

You basically have 2 brains - The conscious and the subconscious.

* The conscious brain - It's logical! It makes plans! And it's INSANELY SLOW
* The subconscious - It's emotional. It's intuitive. It's SUPER FAST

Honestly, it's a lot like an iceberg. 90% of its mass is below the surface where you can't see it. 

Behold the picture I drew for you (enjoy my artistic talents!) 

The problem is your SUBCONSCIOUS

Most people only know how to deal with their conscious brain.

So you can keep switching plans and strategies and try the Miracle Morning and juice cleanses and #allthethings.

But as long as your subconscious is a mess, you're going to feel like you're spinning your wheels.

So there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just dealing with the wrong problem. That’s all.

Because the effectiveness of your conscious decisions is dictated by your subconscious wiring and beliefs. So your conscious decisions just CONFIRM everything you believe about yourself.

* Think you're not enough? Your results will never feel like enough
* Think parts of you aren't acceptable? You will never feel accepted
* Think you're a lazy piece of poo? You will never feel motivated

It's like you've been writing with your non-dominant hand all these years and you wonder why your calligraphy career hasn't taken off. 

The Confidence Code Mastermind isn't just about confidence. It's about cleaning up your subconscious so your conscious decisions will actually work. 

* You'll learn exactly how to improve your self-concept 
* You'll learn to manage your nervous system
* You'll learn how to coach yourself
* You'll learn how to show up for yourself

This is the process I've used to create my amazing marriage, leave my corporate job, and create a $300,000 business. It's what has helped my clients find lasting relationships, create 5-figure months in their businesses, and accomplish anything they want.

Ready to get out of your own way once and for all? Get started here.

And if you REALLY want to do the deep work, we should talk about working together privately.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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