What to do when you’re “behind”

"I'm already behind." 

I swear, almost every client I saw last week had some variation of this thought. 

Why you think you're behind

You want to measure how well you're doing.

And if there's a gap between what you're actually accomplishing and your expectation, you think, "I'm behind." 

But you're "behind" according to.......?

YOU. You're the only one who thinks you're behind. And you made it all up. 

Why "behind" is crap on a stick - Let me count the ways

Not only is "behind" made-up nonsense, but it's completely unhelpful.

  1. It makes you feel hot trash. (And amazing, sustainable results rarely come from feeling like trash. Amirite or amirite?)

  2. It's a way of punishing yourself.

  3. It sends you into desperate, frenetic, hustle energy OR it completely kills your motivation and you quit OR both.

  4. It's a remix of your brain's greatest hit - "I'm not good enough."

  5. It says, "I should be somewhere else." And THAT means you're missing whatever you need to learn RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

* The only thing "behind" REALLY measures is your relationship to yourself. *

Flush "behind" down the toilet

But Ericaaaaaaaa, How will I know if I'm on the right track?

Here's how: YOU DECIDE.

  • Fall on your face? Cool. You're learning. You're on the right track.

  • Score a win? Cool. You're learning. You're on the right track.

Find a metric that works for you.

I have clients who measure success by how much fun they're having.
How much imperfect action they're taking.
How much they're failing and learning.

And you know what? They're also making lots of money, finding love, losing weight, signing clients left and right, feeling amazing about themselves, and finding dream careers -withoutmeasuring success by whether or not they have those thingsnow.

Who would you be if we took away, "I'm behind"?
Let's find out.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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