How to predict your goal success

You know why people hate resolutions?

They set the goal. They decide this year will FINALLY be different. 
And then they show up exactly the same way.
And produce exactly the same, disappointing results.

But we can predict your 2022 goal success with one question.


Why do you want to achieve your goal? 

Maybe your answer is: "It will feel amazing!"

Okay, that's cool and all...But why will it feel amazing?

Find the answer. The real answer. WHY do you want to achieve your goal?

And here come the tea-leaves: Notice how you FEEL.

Tune into (what happens to be my least favorite channel but also the source of an insane amount of wisdom) - Your body.

Do you feel anxiety? Stress? Inadequacy?
Or maybe you feel just....meh.

If so, your goal is in danger.

Because your WHY kind of sucks.

It doesn't matter if it makes sense. It isn't compelling.
Or it's coming from a wounded place - A place where you think something about you is broken and needs to be fixed.

And you're doomed to repeat the same old shit from years' past.

The key to your success is a compelling WHY

Your WHY doesn't have to feel amazing.
But it has to light a fire inside of you.

It has to COMPEL you into taking that next step.

It has to drive you to keep going and figure it out, even when things don't seem to work and you feel like ass and your brain wants to quit.

Your WHY is everything.

Because a compelling why is what will have you showing up differently.
It will have you making different decisions.
It will create a different life.

And it will make you unstoppable.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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