Do you have a subconscious block?

You know the quotes - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

(It’s usually attributed to Albert Einstein but the internet says it wasn’t actually him. But whatever, that’s not actually the point here).

And here’s another fun quote from Henry Ford - “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

You might know the quotes.

But you might not know WHY you keep doing what you’ve always done. Amirite?

It’s cool. That’s what I’m here for! Here’s your why:


Your brain is a machine that operates on factory settings.

And A LOT of those settings are wired in early childhood. Some of them are even inherited in your DNA. (Fun fact - We’ve inherited up to 14 generations’ worth of shame, so we’re talking stuff from the 1500’s. #themoreyouknow)

And your subconscious is wicked fast.

(Ever been to a party when someone says something across the room that catches your attention? It’s because your brain is taking in EVERYTHING and sorting it into things that are important and things that are lame).

But where your subconscious is fast, your conscious is sloooooooooow.

And to make things even more fun, your subconscious is always influencing your conscious.

Which means even your conscious decisions are often driven by things outside of your awareness.

And you know what your subconscious loves the mostest?

Because what’s familiar = what’s safe.

And as far as your subconscious is concerned, better to be unhappy and alive than do that new thing that might be amazing but could also kill you. So, better not, right?

  • It’s why you stayed in that horrible job for so long.

  • It’s why you stayed in that toxic relationship for so long.

  • It’s why you keep feeling like you end up in the same place over and over.

And even when you THINK you’ve changed jobs or partners or plans, you end up with the same result. Because you keep repeating the same subconscious patterns. (Your subconscious keeps changing outfits so you THINK it’s different, but it’s not).

Change hasn’t worked because you’ve only been working with half your brain.

Maybe you’ve seen a picture of an iceberg. Only 10% of its mass is above the surface. It’s the same with your brain.

subconscious mind conscious mind iceberg

You keep choosing new strategies.

You keep trying to “will” yourself to change.

And it hasn’t worked because you haven’t addressed the 90% (aka - Your factory settings).

(So you can just go ahead and throw away the idea that you are uniquely messed up somehow.)

Here’s what successful people do change

The most successful people don’t take “new action” that’s fueled by “old patterns.” Instead, they:

  • Understand their subconscious patterns and manage them (cause that junk never goes away completely. I know. It’s a drag).

  • Teach their brains how to think

  • Use strategies that work for them

This is the work I do with my clients. We find the blocks and we move them out of the way.

* But here’s the kicker: Clicking the button below to learn how to work with me might be the first step in doing things differently.

And it might feel super scary.

If this is you, you’re ready.

* BUT clicking the link below might be a continuation of old, unhealthy patterns. In which case, you might have a history of doing a lot of internal work without taking action. Or you might expect me to solve all your problems FOR you. In which case, you should not click the button. But you should come back when you’re ready to stop delegating responsibility for your results and you’re ready to take action.

Your subconscious will know which one it is. :)


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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Why your self-doubt is actually a good thing


What to do when you’re “behind”