What to do when it’s not happening “fast enough”

I get it. Your time is valuable.

So, I'm going to give it to you straight: YOU ARE SLOWING DOWN YOUR OWN RESULTS.

And it's not because you have the wrong plan.

It's because you're wasting your time on the wrong stuff. You're spending precious time and energy on dumb things like:

1. Being confused

You feel torn. You're not sure what to do. You want to think about it, crowdsource, get encouragement and/or permission from others, and endlessly research your options.

It feels productive.
But you make no progress because you're doing a whole lot of nothing.

2. Being in a rush

You've never hit this goal before.
So if you accomplish it, you can prove that you're capable.

So you start doing #allthethings.

The problem?
You're taking action that's fueled by self-doubt.

Which means you think you need to be perfect.
And the action you DO take won't be as effective.

So when it's not effective or as soon as you don't do it perfectly, you think you you can't do it.

And you go back to the "nothing" part of your all-or-nothing approach.

3. Waiting for the “right” time

Going after what you want will never be convenient.

There will always be some sort of life thing or money thing or thing thing happening.

So you put it off, do nothing, and 6 months from now you STILL don't have the result you want.

Here’s how you hit your goal - FASTER

Want to accomplish more in less time? Here's how:

  1. Commit. No more confusion, crowdsourcing, or "thinking about it." Decide to go for it.

  2. Let go of the B.S. Stop trying to prove your worth with your goals. Forget the old stories that you "can't" or you "suck." You're not available for that judgmental B.S. anymore.

  3. Create a strategy. Try things out, fail, use what works for you, and create a strategy that works for you.
    Some of y’all are spending way too much of your precious your time and energy trying to fix things that aren’t even problems.

The truth of the matter is, I don't know how long it will take you.

But I do know what it takes:

Commitment + (No B.S. x Strategy) = Results

This is the equation.
And the more consistently you practice it, the faster you get what you want.

I'm an expert at destroying B.S. and developing strategy.
All you have to bring is the commitment.

You can have what you want faster and feel better along the way. 

Your brain will want to keep trying to solve things the old way - through trying harder with old system and judgmental "pep talks." 

But you can choose something different. Coaching with me is a 6-month commitment to permanently change your brain and take the mystery and frustration out of getting what you want.

Click here to schedule a call with me and get on my waitlist.

I will hold you accountable so you stop wasting time. I will slay the voice in your head that says you're not good enough. And I will help you get there....faster.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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How to predict your goal success


Stop trying to fix these 3 things