How to make sure you don’t intimidate people

So you want to avoid intimidating people? I’ve got you.

Here's how to make sure others are not at all intimidated by you:

  • Take a look at everything amazing about yourself and your life

  • Now minimize, downplay, and hide it away

  • Play as small as you can

  • Make sure other people feel nice and comfy in THEIR SMALLNESS and are not at all intimidated by how accomplished, beautiful, successful, brilliant, prosperous, and competent you are

If your amazingness is revealed in any way, LIE your pants off*

If, by chance, THE TRUTH of how accomplished, beautiful, successful, brilliant, prosperous, and/or competent you are comes out, LYING is a great option. 

You can say things like:

  • "It's not that big of a deal."

  • "It was just a fluke."

  • "I got lucky."

  • "It was good but it wasn't insert criticism/comparison."

  • "It was really insert other person's accomplishment."

* Sure, it's basically the exact same thing as exaggerating your accomplishments to impress others, but at least they won't be intimidated!

**If you're doing this REALLY well, eventually YOU'll start to believe the lies. And then you'll actually create WAY smaller, less impressive, super boring and vanilla results that will never intimidate anyone!

And if you're, what?

Then it's probably because you know it's dishonest.

You know it's as bad as pretending you did something great when you didn't.

You know that denying others' the opportunity to feel inspired by you isn't kind.

You know that it's you trying to control others' thoughts. 

You know it's manipulative.

But you can choose to stop lying and hiding

Are you a natural-born leader? LEAD
Do you recognize injustice? CALL IT OUT
Are you a talented helper? HELP PEOPLE
Do you know you're meant for more? MAKE THE MOVE 

Get off the bench and into the arena.

Step into the truth of who you really are and who you're called to be.

And let them be impacted, inspired, and sure - maybe a little intimidated. 
Because you're too busy changing the world to worry about what they think.

p.s. If you want to grow and shine unapologetically, the opportunity to coach privately with me is open.

This is for the people who are:

  • Ready to get out of freeze because "what if so-and-so doesn't approve?" and start taking action

  • Tired of prefacing accomplishments with, "I don't want to brag but..."

  • Ready to stop living life on the bench because they know THIS life is their chance

  • Tired of prioritizing others' comfort over their own happiness and fulfillment

If this is shaking you in any way, then you know you're playing small. Click this link to get on my calendar to talk about how to change it.

We'll meet every week for 3-6 months. I will show you exactly how to be confident, take action, and create forward momentum. It will change how you think, feel, and see yourself - permanently. Click here 


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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The weird thing I did to make $300k in my coaching business


The weird thing happy, confident people do