The weird thing I did to make $300k in my coaching business

In February 2021, I decided to make $300k in 12 months. 

It wasn't reasonable.
But the number wouldn't leave my brain (so annoying amirite).

So I decided to do it.

And then I did something really weird.

I celebrated having a $300k business
...even though I'd only made $100k

Wait! That's like cheating, right?


Because I knew the business I had in that moment was the same business that was going to hit the goal.

I started creating my 300k result the moment I decided to.

Because I immediately started showing up like I'd already hit my goal.

(In fact, I put a sticky note on my desk that read, "What is $300k me doing today?" and I did THAT)

So who cared that I hadn't technically crossed the finish line yet?

Because the goal was just a random metric that didn't actually matter.
WHO I WAS did.

Here’s why you’re not hitting your goals:

We're taught that setting goals is about hitting the goal. 

We make ourselves EARN our TRUE IDENTITIES.

We withhold praise and fun and self-belief until we cross that line. 

  • "When I get the promotion, I'll be respected."

  • "When I lose 10 pounds, I'll love my body."

  • "When I make $100k in my business, I'll know it works."

  • "When I'm debt-free, I'll be financially responsible."

Sound familiar?

But here's the real kicker:

The biggest predictor of whether you hit your goal (and then maintain it) is WHO you're being while you hit it.

So if you think:

  • "My coworkers don't respect me," you'll show up frustrated or full of self-doubt and they....won't respect you.

  • "I hate my body," you'll feel terrible about yourself, yo-yo diet, eat to numb out, feel self-conscious and... hate your body even more.

  • "My business doesn't work," you'll think about how it's not working, feel confused and pushy and...have a business that doesn't work.

  • "I'm bad with money," you'll avoid your bank account or that pile of bills on your counter, buy things to feel better create more debt.

Why mindset is key to hitting your goals

That old way of goal setting and achievement blows. It doesn’t work.

So instead of all thinking terrible things about yourself and then proving yourself right, what if you did this instead?

  1. Decide what you want to think about yourself

  2. Think it now (instead of waiting until you achieve that thing you want)

  3. Make decisions as that person

  4. And hit your goal because that's just who you are and what you do

Because this is what actually works.

In February 2022, I passed the $300k in 12 months mark.
Exactly one year after celebrating.
It wasn't a coincidence.

So here's what I want to know:

  • What are you waiting to think about yourself?

  • And why not think it now?

Because you're ALREADY the person you want to be.
All you have to do is decide to be them.

This is what I teach my clients:

  • Setting big, impossible goals

  • Creating simple strategies to hit them

  • Implementing the strategy with confidence and fun

If you're ready to experience this for yourself, there are currently two ways for us to work together:

  • Private 1:1 Coaching

  • The Confidence Code group coaching program (currently open for enrollment & kicking off in January!)

Click here to learn more about both options.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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