How to be more consistent

Everyone says, "Consistency is King!!" 
Great. Cool.
But what does that even mean?

Let's discuss!

First off, you might be using the idea of  "consistency" against yourself if you:
Tell yourself you have to do things on a regular basis.
Have to do the thing every day/week/month, without fail.
Feel like a failure when you go off plan.

Let's not do that anymore.

I know I'm not the first one to say this. And I'd love to give credit to the person who originated this phrase. (If you know - email me back!):

Consistency doesn't mean you don't mess up. Consistency means you don't give up.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Yes - repetition is important.
It builds habits and those add up to big results. 

But it doesn't mean you can't miss a day, skip a workout, have that cookie, or spend an hour on social media when you'd planned to work on your TPS reports. 

Repetition matters. Consistency matters. 

But the enemy of consistency is not NOT doing the thing.
The enemy of consistency is NOT doing the thing, making it mean something about you, and then stopping. 

Consistency is about your overall average. 
What are you doing most of the time?

Because THAT is what creates your success.

Aim for 60%.
Then go up to 70% and then 80%.
Build momentum.
And become the person who does epic things - your way - consistently.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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