Why confidence is overrated

One of the biggest lies you tell yourself is that you need to feel confident to take action.

Confidence feels amazing. 
There's nothing like doing something and knowing ahead of time you'll do it well.

But that kind of confidence is overrated

Because only doing things when you know you can do them well means you only do the same things - over and over again. 

And then you wonder why you're stuck.

Real talk? My brain doubts all the time.
I lack confidence all the time.
And I built a multiple 6-figure business anyway.

Straight from my journal (you're welcome), here are thoughts I have on the regular:

  • "I can't do it."

  • "It's impossible."

  • "I don't know how."

  • "I f*cked it up."

  • "I'm annoying and everyone hates me."

  • "I'm doing it wrong."

  • "I suck."

And I feel terrible.

So I coach myself. I talk to my coach. I work through it.

You can have self-doubt AND be successful

Success happens when you learn HOW to experience self-doubt.

It happens when you know doubt is your brain's automatic setting.
It happens when you don't wait for confidence to show up.
It happens when you take action, even when you feel like poop on a stick.

Success happens when you cultivate the kind of self-confidence where you have your own back, no matter what.

Success happens when you learn to take away self-doubt’s power

Managing self-doubt is a skill. (Want to learn the skill? Join our Confidence Code group here) And my most successful clients learn how to not just MANAGE self-doubt, but actually USE it in their favor. Crazy, huh?

You can live a life where you make decisions based on what you want,
not what you fear.

Even with a brain that says, "I can't."
Because you know that's no big deal.

Don’t let self-doubt hold you hostage anymore.

Use it. And go after what you really want. You’ve got this.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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