The “midlife crisis” is actually your best friend


I don't know about you, but the "midlife crisis" makes me think of 80's movies cliches like men in red sports cars. (Don't underestimate the power of media!)

The midlife crisis sounds like a ridiculous, self-indulgent thing.
I'm here to tell you it's your best friend.

I have to get this out of the way real quick

The midlife "crisis" is a real thing.
I won't get too sciency-science on you, but for real - happiness dips in midlife.
It even happens in primates.

So if you're not feeling satisfied with your life, you're not alone.

So what's the crisis?

First off - "Crisis" is sooooo dramatic. Kind of like adding extra "o's" onto "so."

And the crisis doesn't look like burning down your life and starting over with a new spouse, sports car, or middle part in your hair.

It looks like general dissatisfaction.
Feeling "meh" about your life - even when you can see that's it's pretty freaking amazing.

And then you feel bad for feeling bad because your life is amazing so why aren't you happy you think THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU. (There's not)

THIS is where the magic happens

You're financially stable-ish!
You're not trying to deal with puberty anymore!
Your body and your life are pretty boring!

Scientists think the midlife meh is nature's way of saying - "Hey you with the minivan! You're nice and stable. It's the perfect time to figure out what you really want and do that thing."

Now that you have stability, it's the PERFECT time to:

  • Decide what really matters to you.

  • Act on that dream you've been thinking about for years.

  • Invest in yourself.

  • Stop letting others dictate your pay, your schedule, and your worth.

What you really want

Mother Nature doesn't want you to settle.
She wants you to explore.
She wants you to invest in your own happiness.
She wants you to feel amazing in your amazing life.

The time is now. No more going through the motions. No more doing what you're "supposed" to do.

This is your life - It's time to go live it.

Denver life and career coach Erica Hanlon

Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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