The biggest sign you’ve outgrown your job

“Should I stay or should I go?”

I might have the answer for you right here.

After 11 years as a therapist, 10 years working in Corporate America as a management consultant, and 4ish years in Denver as a life coach and career coach for high-achievers all over the world, I think I’ve landed on the biggest sign you’re ready for a new job.

Here she is:

You’re challenged in all the wrong ways and none of the good ways

I’ve been in that place.

I’ve worked with countless people who have been in that place.

And this is like THE death knell for any job.

What are “bad” work challenges?

Not all challenges are created equally. But when it comes to labeling something as “bad,” here’s my criteria:


Because growth is hella uncomfortable. That’s what makes it challenging!

So here are some things I would consider “bad” work challenges:

  • Too much to do - The work doesn’t challenge you in any way. But you have too much of it to do.

  • Frustration - Every day you try NOT to lose your shit or have a Jerry McGuire moment

  • Boredom - Your work is so boring that you spend most of your energy trying to muster up the motivation to do the bare minimum

I once had a job where I’d call my coworker, Brian, almost daily and say, “Help me not quit today.”

If not quitting, not losing your shit on someone, or just trying to get your work down are the only challenges you experience at work - Houston, we have a problem.

The “good” kind of work challenges

“Good” challenges help you grow.

They might be scary. They might make you throw up in your mouth a little.

Hell, they might make you question your intelligence or capabilities (that’s where a coach comes in handy, FYI).

But they create GROWTH. And growth requires discomfort.

This is where you:

  • Learn new stuff!

  • Gain new skills!

  • Explore your potential!

  • Break through your limits!

You were built for growth

Your job might not make you feel crazy or bored…yet.

In which case - ENJOY YOURSELF! This is the part where you get to relax, feel comfortable, and savor the success you’ve already created.

The comfort zone is a great place. It’s a place to rest, recover, and calibrate to success and past growth.

BUT if there’s a little voice inside that keeps asking, “What else?” I can tell you, that voice doesn’t usually go away.

It’s calling you to the next thing.

And I’m here to tell you…you’re ready for it.

If you feel called to take a leap but you don’t know where the heck you want to go, I can help. I’ll walk you through my unique framework that takes you from confusion to clarity in your career goals. From there, we’ll create a roadmap to get you into the fulfilling career you’ve always wanted.



Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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