How to collapse timelines and succeed quickly

“I have 10 different things to coach on today,” my client laughed (after all, most people bring one or two topics. But I attract people who want to accomplish a lot!)

But at the end of the 45 minutes, we’d managed all of them.

“This was really good! We covered everything!” she said as we wrapped up the call.

How to succeed

I have a coach who breaks it down in this REALLY simple way. She says: There’s you. There’s the thing you want. And then there’s everything standing in between.

Success is just a matter of working through everything that stands between you and your desire.

And sometimes we’re so quick to dismiss the thing we want as “impossible,” that we never take the time to consider the steps it takes to get there. So we essentially fail ahead of time (boo).

You can’t overcome obstacles until you identify them.

How to overcome obstacles to success

This is going to sound INSANELY simple (because it is) but there are only ever 2 kinds of problems standing between you and the thing you want:

  • A strategy problem (you don’t know the “how,” you don’t have a “how” that works for you, you don’t have the skills to implement the “how”)

  • A confidence problem (you make failure mean something about you, you don’t think it’s possible for you, you want to do it perfectly, you’re worried what others think, you’re trapped in indecision, your stress and anxiety has you stuck, etc.)

And since we’re friends and tell the truth, I’m just going to put this here:

Strategy problems are almost always created by confidence problems

[shameless plug, this is why my group program is ALL about confidence. Click here to be the first to find out when the next round opens]

So if there’s something you want that you don’t have, what’s standing in your way? And how can you solve for it?

How to collapse timelines and succeed quickly

So now we know what’s standing in your way, how do you tackle obstacles at lightening speed? (pssst - It’s NOT by DOING MORE)

You’ve got to tackle the root of the problem.

My client’s 10 things she wanted coaching on were symptoms of ONE CORE BELIEF.

It’s like if you kill the original vampire then all their vampire offspring die too. So instead of running around, trying to hunt down and kill hundreds of vampires all over the world, you could just go find the Big Daddy Vampire and knock them all out in one foul swoop (Or is it one big stab? I don’t know much about vampires but I think I saw this on a Netflix show once so I basically did my due diligence research here).

Those 100 obstacles standing between you and the thing you want might just be the offspring of 3 core obstacles (see also: limiting beliefs/confidence issues).

And when you tackle THOSE, then magic starts to happen - quickly.

  • Suddenly you’re taking action, creating results, evaluating those results, and then taking action again - but better.

  • Suddenly you’ve created what you want and it was so fun and easy that you exceeded expectations without even knowing it.

  • Suddenly you realize that you are UNSTOPPABLE and you can create anything you want.

We’re not just trimming weeds so you can have a pretty-looking garden here, Friend. We’re doing the DEEP work.

(I may not be a vampire expert, but I’m a licensed therapist with almost 20 years of experience. So I know my stuff)

Ready to succeed quickly? You can join the VIP waitlist for my next round of The Confidence Code. You’ll be the first to now when it’s open and be able to claim your spot early.

And if you want to do big things NOW, then you’ll want to set up a call with me to talk about working together 1:1.

Go get them, Van Helsing.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



Follow me on Instagram


Do you have a messed up relationship with success?


How to manifest what you want