What to do when you think your goal is “impossible”

I get it. You don’t want to fail. again.

So you only set goals that feel easy. You know, the ones you think, “It’s as good as done.”

(Like making toast. You know how to make toast. It’s as good as done, amirite?)

OR you choose to not make goals at all. That way, you never have to try and fail and listen to that voice inside that says, “I TOLD YOU SO, YOU BIG SUCKFACE.”

Here’s the thing - This doesn’t have to be a problem. AT ALL.

How should I choose my goal?

After working with hundreds of people for almost 2 decades, I know you have a secret goal.

It’s that little desire inside of you that you’ve pushed away because you tell yourself:

  • It’ll never happen

  • It’s impossible

  • I can’t

Wanting this goal feels painful. So you haven’t let yourself even THINK about having it.

But listen - You would not have this desire if it weren’t possible in some way.

So what goal should you choose? The one you REALLY WANT.

Because that desire is calling you to explore what’s possible for you.

Why does my goal feel impossible?

The brain decides what’s possible by looking to the past.

So if you’re thinking about doing something you’ve never done before, this is what happens:

  • Your brain will look to the past to find evidence that you’ve done it and didn’t die

  • Your brain is going to come up with a big, fat goose egg

  • Your brain is going to tell you that there’s no way you can do it and if you try, you’re probably going to fail and look like a fool and you might even die

  • Your brain tell you, “It’s impossible,” “It’ll never happen,” and “I can’t”

So far, so good. You’re on the right track.

Now, this is the part where you usually give up and go watch Netflix. But we’re going to make a different choice.

How to hit your goals (even when they’re impossible)

Left on its factory settings, your brain is going to tell you to give up.

But this is your life. And you get to decide to make a different choice. Here’s how:

  • Ask yourself, “What if it’s possible?” Questions are POWERFUL. And, this my friend, is THE question. It gets you off the bench and into the game.

  • Let your brain list all the reasons you “can’t.” Your brain is going to serve you up a poo poo platter of obstacles. Write all of them down.

  • Make an action plan for how you will tackle each obstacle. This list might change over time. But this will help you tap into how resourceful you actually are.

  • Decide on your next step. Don’t fall into the trap of having the “perfect” plan. Take a step. Let it be messy. Then take another. And keep going.

Thinking your goal is impossible is the starting line. Everyone starts there. Everyone.

But it’s up to you if you choose to stay there.

So let yourself set the scary goal. And then start taking steps to get there. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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