How to be interesting

People are not compelled by the "right words," the "right strategy," or a fancy shmancy job title.

People are compelled by LEADERSHIP - that unapologetic taking up of space and embodied confidence.

It's more magnetic than anything else.


I've got your how right here:

LEAD YOURSELF FIRST - Are you willing to go first? Are you willing to fail over and over again so you can help your people navigate failure? Are you willing to take responsibility for your results (without blaming and shaming yourself) so you can help your people learn from their mistakes? DO.YOU.GO.FIRST or are you waiting for your people to validate you before you feel like a leader?

LOVE YOURSELF - No one wants to be responsible for you feeling good about yourself. And frankly, it doesn't matter how much they love you if you don't love yourself. Do you feel alive? Are you lit up by your work? Do you own your expertise? Are you doing the deep work to remove blocks around money, success, and your self-worth?

HAVE COURAGE - Leaders are led by desire - not fear and scarcity. They trust their guts, even when it doesn't make logical sense and other people don't "get it." This takes a metric butt-ton of courage. When someone wants to go all in but feels scared what are you going to say? - "I don't know how to help you. When I'm afraid, I hold myself back."

BE DECISIVE - More time "thinking about it" does not equal better decisions. If anything, more time thinking about it can slow you down and create more confusion. How much time do you spend overthinking, feeling confused, or putting off important decisions? Leaders make IMPERFECT decisions because they know it will create data they can use. They do it quickly, implement, and evaluate so they can grow - quickly.

RELEASE ATTACHMENT - Leaders don't focus on the money, the number of clients, the job title, the likes, or the "vanity metrics." Leaders focus on WHO they're being, not what they're doing. Money, clients, and success flow toward leadership.

CONNECT - Are you connected to your people? Do you understand their problems? Do they feel seen when they're in your space? Do they feel valued and cared for? Or do they feel like you need something from them? Nothing disrupts connection like using people to get what you want.

Go through these.
Where are you ALREADY showing up as a leader?
How can you do more of that?
And where is your work?

Because when you show up as a leader, you'll be the most interesting person in the room.


Hi! I’m Erica

Wife to Brendan. Mom to twins + one. Dog mom. Slow runner. Coffee drinker. GIF enthusiast.

I’m a licensed mental health therapist and life coach and career coach. I help you accomplish in 6 months that thing you’ve been thinking about doing for years.



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